I've tried to make it as accurate and comprehensive as possible. Please leave a comment if you have any additions or corrections.
- Organizations that Offer Worship Services
- Associations, Movements
- Publishers, Translators
- Bookstores, Book Centers, Information Centers
- Retreat Centers
- Libraries
- Educational Institutions
- Charities, Foundations
Organizations that Offer Worship Services
- The Australian Association of the New Church (Australia)
- Website: www.newchurch.org.au
- Locations
- The Church of Truth (Kentucky, USA)
- Church on the Hill (Massachusetts, USA)
- Website: www.churchonthehillboston.org
- Creekside New Church (Pennsylvania, USA)
- The General Church of the New Jerusalem (International)
- The General Conference of the New Church (United Kingdom)
- Website: www.generalconference.org.uk
- Locations
- The Lord's New Church Which Is Nova Hierosolyma (International)
- The New Church of Southern Africa (South Africa)
- The Samara Center for Practical Spirituality (Maine, USA)
- The Swedenborgian Church of North America (USA and Canada)
Associations, Movements
- The Freedom Church Network
- Website: www.freedomchurchnetwork.com
- Life in Christ New Church: The Global Fellowship
- Second Advent Christian Movement
- The Swedenborg Movement
- Website: www.swedenborgmovement.org
Publishers, Translators
- Fountain Publishing (USA)
- Website: www.fountainpublishing.com
- General Church Publishers (USA)
- Kempton Project (USA)
- J. Appleseed & Co. Publishers of Spiritual Literature (USA)
- The Swedenborg Foundation (USA)
- Swedenborg Publishers International / The Swedenborg Scientific Association (USA)
- Website: www.swedenborg-philosophy.org
- The Swedenborg Society (England)
- Website: www.swedenborg.org.uk
- Swedenborg Verlag (Switzerland)
- Website: www.swedenborg.ch
Bookstores, Book Centers, Information Centers
- Bryn Athyn Cathedral Bookstore (USA)
- Fountain Publishing (USA)
- Website: www.fountainpublishing.com
- (General Church) Amazon Online Store (USA)
- Website: www.newchurch.org/store
- (General Church) New Church Online Store (USA)
- Information Swedenborg (Canada)
- Website: www.swedenborg.ca
- New Church Bookstore [Nya Kyrkans Bokhandel] (Sweden)
- The Swedenborg Foundation Bookstore (USA)
- The Swedenborg Society Bookstore (England)
- Website: www.swedenborg.org.uk
Retreat Centers
- Almont New Church Retreat and Conference Center (Michigan, USA)
- Website: www.ancarc.com
- Purley Chase Centre (England)
- Website: www.purleychasecentre.org.uk
- Temenos Retreat Center (Pennsylvania, USA)
- Website: www.temenosretreat.org
- The Swedenborg Library (Pennsylvania, USA)
- The Swedenborg Library (Illinois, USA)
- Website: www.swedenborglib.org
- The Swedenborg Library [Swedenborgsbiblioteket] (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Website: www.swedenborgsbiblioteket.se
- The Swedenborg Foundation Library (Pennsylvania, USA)
- Website: swedenborg.com
- Catalog
- The Swedenborg Society Library (London, England)
- Website: www.swedenborg.org.uk/library
Educational Institutions
Pre Schools, Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools
- Schools Affiliated with the General Church (International)
Colleges, Graduate Programs, Seminaries
- Academy of the New Church Asia Missionary Course (International)
- Website: http://www.newchurchasia.org
- Bryn Athyn College Theological School (Pennsylvania, USA)
- Website: www.ancts.org
- The Australian New Church College (Australia)
- Website: anccollege.org
- Bryn Athyn College of the New Church (Pennsylvania, USA)
- Website: www.brynathyn.edu
- Swedenborg House of Studies (California, USA)
- Website: www.shs.psr.edu
- Glencairn Museum (Pennsylvania, USA)
- Website: www.glencairnmuseum.org
- The Swedenborg Open Learning Centre (England)
- Website: www.swedenborg-openlearning.org.uk
Charities, Foundations
- The Cole Foundation
- Website: http://www.colefoundation.org/
- Loving Arms Mission
- New Uses
- Uses Worldwide
- XChange (from New Church LIVE)
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