Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Student Translation Project

Joel Glenn, a 2nd year Bryn Athyn College student, is working on a translation of Apocalypse Revealed as an independent study. As he translates he's posting what his translation on a blog ( Under About he writes,
Every week or so, I will be putting up the next few numbers that I have translated. I am starting at the beginning of AR and will be working my way forward from there, hopefully completing Chapter 1 by the middle of February. Whether you read a lot or a little, I would love to hear feedback from you.

About the translation: My goal is to produce a translation that people can read easily. This does not mean that you will understand AR without any effort. It does mean that if you are familiar with the Writings, and make an effort to understand what you read, the way I translate should not stand in the way. You should get something out of it without tripping over sentence structure and word choice.

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