Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Loving Arms Mission Has a NEW Web Site

The Loving Arms Mission used to have a web site at lovingarmsmission.org. Unfortunately that site got hacked and so had to be taken down. But, now they have a couple of new sites.

Their main site is lamchildren.org. It's a nice looking site with plenty of pictures and information. It looks like much of the same information that was on the old site (if you happen to be familiar with that site).

They also have a Facebook group which you can join. Recently there were links to 3 videos about the Loving Arms Mission posted on the wall. I'll embed them below. They also have a blog (lovingarmsmissionblog.blogspot.com) which seems to be under construction.

Enjoy the videos!


KennyG said...

This website is no longer active.

Malcolm said...

Thanks for the prompting, KennyG. I've now updated the post to have information about their current sites.

Nat said...

lovely, are they connected to Swedenborg?

Malcolm said...


They are connected to Swedenborg. I'm pretty sure that the people who run the orphanages in Nepal and Kenya all consider themselves part of the New Church.

It's interesting that it's not more obvious on their website but you can find a couple of hints. One is that the mailing address for the LAM is in Bryn Athyn, where the General Church of the New Jerusalem is headquartered. But, better than that, there's this beautiful passage (from Swedenborg) on the homepage:

"Charity links people to God because God loves each and every human being; and because He cannot do good to people directly, but only indirectly by means of other people, He therefore breathes His love into people, just as He breathes into parents love for their children. Anyone who receives that love is linked to God, and the love of God causes one to love the neighbor."